What makes thousands of people walk? What reasons mobilize faith? What elements build this faithful network? What set of symbols permeate these festivities?
Far from an aestheticized, descriptive and cold description, we seek the human component of the testimonies, images that are the result of looks loaded with authorship and curiosity, in a more direct relationship with the human being that predicts faith as a popular phenomenon in Brazil today.
Hanamatsuri or Flower Festival- São Paulo (SP)
A millenary party, held 60 years ago, by the largest Japanese community outside Japan, in the neighborhood of Liberdade, city of São Paulo. Every year in April, the birth of Buddha is celebrated and his teachings and philosophy reaffirmed by children, youth and adults, who recite mantras and happily roam the streets of the metropolis.
Holy Week in Ouro Preto - Another Black (MG)
In the centuries-old streets of Ouro Preto, for more than three centuries, residents have artfully remembered the Passion of Christ. The history of the city and these celebrations, the processions, the staging, the movements from preparing the party to the making of the carpets that cover the streets of the city, which receives thousands of tourists, for the celebration of Easter.
Feast of NS da Boa Morte- Waterfall (BA)
In the centenary Cachoeira, a city in the Recôncavo Baiano, black women celebrate, in August, the Festa da Boa Morte. Recognized as the mothers of religious syncretism, empowered and politicized, these women tell a different story from what is in the official books and show the strength they have in the fight against racism and religious intolerance.
Feast of the Divine - Pirenópolis (GO)
In the bucolic Pirenópolis, in the interior of Goiás, the Festa do Divino extends throughout the year, and has been for 200 years. In August, at the height of the festival, reisados, judges, music bands and processions and masked people take to the streets in celebration of the Holy Spirit. While men stage the medieval battles of Moors against Christians, masked people and Indians invade the scene, with irreverence, joy and social criticism.
Festa do Pau da Bandeira S. Antônio- Barbalha (CE)
In Cariri, a region strongly marked by secular religious movements, such as the Penitentes, the shipment of Pau da Bandeira to Santo Antônio, carried out annually in Barbalha in June, involves hundreds of men and women. A collective letter, watered in faith and in the traditions and resistance of fife bands and popular culture groups.
Cowboy Mass - Serrita (PE)
Countrymen and contemporaries of Raimundo Jacó and the singer Luiz Gonzaga tell the life story of the cowboy, which extends to several others, who inhabit the Brazilian Sertões. The history of the achievements of these workers and the faith that, for 50 years, has led men and women from various cities to a mass held in the rural area of Serrita, in the interior of Pernambuco, to honor the cowboy and celebrate life.
(Coming soon)
Círio de Nazaré - Belém do Pará (PA)
In Céu do Mapiá – Santo Daime Festival (AM)
Pilgrimage of Padre Cícero- Juazeiro do Norte (CE)
Feast of Morro da Conceição - Recife (PE)
Praias - Festival of Umbú Pankararú (PE)
Feast of N S. do Bonfim (Lavagem) OR Feast of Iemanjá- Salvador (BA)
Destinations of Faith in Brazil – various events (BR)